All students in grades PreK to Eight attend art class once a week. Students are
introduced to and develop a foundational understanding of visual arts through artistic
activities designed to cultivate an appreciation for fine arts. Many different art mediums,
including technology, are used to create students’ artworks in both 2D and 3D. Students
create works of art that are showcased throughout the year.
Pre-Kindergarten to Grade Two
The program is dedicated to giving students from PreK to Second Grade the ability to
experience creativity, unique expression, and a sense of belonging in an
encouraging learning environment. Students hone their fine motor skills while drawing,
coloring and crafting artwork. Lessons are geared to the natural world around us.
Students build confidence in public speaking when describing their creations with
Grade Three to Grade Five
Student in grades three to five explore several different art mediums and are introduced to
the Elements of Art: line, shape, color, pattern, texture, and space. To enhance their
knowledge and appreciation of art, classes study several major artists, both historical and
contemporary. Students are encouraged to experiment and create works that are designed
to strengthen their self-confidence and problem-solving skills.
Grade Six to Grade Eight
The Middle School students continue to explore the Elements of Art and are introduced
to the Principles of Design: balance, unity, contrast, variety, movement, harmony,
proportion and rhythm. Students continue to learn about various artists and their style or
contributions as they create their own artwork. Technology is incorporated into the
classroom to assist students in enhancing their techniques and creative process.
Connections between the visual arts and other academic studies are also encouraged and
practiced in many assignments.