St. Helena School’s third grade curriculum is designed to enhance the skills developed in second grade. The course allows students to grow and start to become more independent in their studies. Each student is given a Chromebook for school use and is introduced to a variety of Google apps used for class activities.
The third-grade focus is on developing their own prayer life and creating a stronger relationship with Christ. Students learn Scripture, Catholic doctrine, traditions, and the Church’s social teachings. An emphasis is placed on ways to incorporate the social teachings of the Church in daily life through discussions, role playing, as well as teacher and peer modeling.
Language Arts
Students study a variety of writing pieces such as persuasive, descriptive and personal narratives as well as different genres of reading materials. Grammar, vocabulary, phonics, and public speaking are taught and practiced. Book reports are assigned regularly as students explore different genres of stories to cultivate writing abilities.
Third grade students are challenged to build on mastered skills as they explore and expand upon new concepts. Students are introduced to various topics such as place value, problem solving, multiplication and division facts, measurement, fractions, time, and algebraic thinking. Hands-on activities as well as enrichment projects are built into the curriculum.
Students participate in inquiry-based and research-based activities designed to enhance their comprehension of topics in Life, Earth, and Physical Science. Students complete lab activities, write lab reports, and create realistic models which support critical thinking about the world around them. Vocabulary use in classroom discussion and note taking are encouraged. Chromebooks are used to complete research-based activities on Google Classroom.
Social Studies
The third grade Social Studies curriculum explores the world, and the people who dwell in it. Through a variety of lessons, students learn map skills and geography, history and cultural diversity. Chapters focus on topics such as types of communities, cultures and celebrations, different environments, how communities began, early exploration, and inventions that changed the way we live. Each student completes a cultural project where they can explore and learn about their family’s heritage.
Third grade students learn how to write in cursive and focus on making their letters neat and legible. Halfway through the year students are expected to write in cursive neatly for most of their assignments. This will help to refine their penmanship skills.